
Stefan Stammer


Stefan Stammer

Therapeutic training and further education Physiotherapist, state-certified sports and gymnastics instructor, manual therapist, equine osteopath.


He lectures for the FN, at national and international congresses and publishes regularly in the specialist press on the subjects of osteopathy, physiotherapy and functional anatomy.

Lectures (excerpt)

  • 2002: 2. Kongress „Osteopathie für Pferd und Reiter“ Deutsche Institut für Pferdeosteopathie (DIPO), Dülmen, Germany
  • 2004: FN (Deutsche Akademie des Pferdes) Symposium über aktuelle Erkenntnisse über das Training von Vielseitigkeitspferden
  • 2004: 3. Kongress „Osteopathie für Pferd und Reiter“ DIPO, Dülmen, Germany
  • 2006: CESMAS (Conference on Equine Sports Medicine and Science) in Cambridge, Great Britain
  • 2006: Trainer – Konferenz der deutschen Vielseitigkeits – Equipe, Warendorf, Germany
  • 2006: USEA (US Eventing Association) – Trainertagung
  • 2013: equine physiotherapy days, Waldalgesheim, Germany
  • 2013: Global Dressage Forum North America Florida, USA
  • 2014: 8th International Symposium on Veterinary Rehabilitation / Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Corvallis, Oregon, USA
  • 2023: Easter European Equine Practitioners Congress, Poznan, Poland

Further lectures in Germany, Switzerland and France on topics such as "Functional Movement Analysis", "Therapeutic Techniques" etc.

Therapeutic activity

Stefan Stammer has been looking after his international clientele, from leisure horses to competitive athletes at Olympic level, as a physiotherapist and equine osteopath since 1999. Since 2001, Stefan Stammer has dedicated himself full-time and exclusively to the treatment of horses.

Developer in theory and practice

He has been developing therapy and rehabilitation concepts for horses since 1999. The Stammer Kinetics™ concept he developed includes an independent model for thinking about the biomechanics of the horse as well as manual and training therapy strategies for the functional movement of horse and rider. Together with his partners at VT equiline, he is developing a new generation of rehabilitation equipment for horses and is himself the owner of several patents and registered designs on the subject.


Stammer, S. (2015). Das Pferd in positiver Spannung: Biomechanik und Reitlehre in Bewegung (3. Aufl.). Warendorf: FN-Verlag.

Stammer, S. (2004). Gesundes Pferd: Physiotherapie. Müller Rüschlikon

Articels and interviews in relevant journals (e.g., St. Georg, Reiterrevue, Reiterjournal, Cavallo, Feine Hilfen) topics are: "Osteopathie", "Physiotherapie", "Funktionelle Anatomie" and "Medizinische Trainingstherapie".


1992 - 1995

staatl. gepr. Sport- und Gymnastiklehrer
Berufskolleg Waldenburg

1993 - 1996

Berufskolleg Waldenburg

1996 - 1998

Weiterbildung zum Manualtherapeuten
DGMM – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin, Boppard

1997 - 1999

Weiterbildung zum DIPO Pferde-Osteotherapeut

2000 - 2005

Deutsches Institut für Pferde-Osteopathie, Dülmen

2001 - 2007

Therapeutischer Leiter
Weiterbildung Pferde-Physiotherapie, Berufskolleg Waldenburg

2005 - 2012

Dozent: Diplomtrainer-Studium (FN)

seit 2013

Internationale Akademie für tierärztliche Chiropraktik (IAVC), Sittensen

Find out why you can trust Stefan Stammer and his concept!

The Concept